final products of absolute excellence.
To this end, every year at Disaronno Ingredients we obtain important certifications for our facilities and products that confirm the safety, quality and excellence that has always
been our hallmark around the world.

EcoVadis aims to improve corporate environmental and social practices using the influence of global logistics chains.
Scelgo Pulito

We use energy generated by renewable sources with a low environmental impact inspired by the continuous improvement model and a corporate sustainability strategy

The Food Code defines organic farming as a global agricultural production method that focuses on the rational management of farm internal resources and limited use of external inputs to protect the agroecosystem in its entirety.
Rain Forest Alliance

Rainforest Alliance 2020 is synonymous with sustainable agriculture and best opportunities for farmers, their families and our planet. It aims to create a more sustainable world using market and social forces to protect nature and improve the lives of farmers and forest communities.

Protected Geographical Indication emphasizes the relationship between the specific geographic region and the name of the product, where a particular quality, reputation or other characteristic is essentially attributable to its geographical origin.
FSSC 22000

FSSC 22000 provides a certification system that ensures a comprehensive framework for managing food safety, minimizing risk, and ensuring the delivery of food that is safe for consumption.

The halal certification attests that products from agricultural-food supply chains comply with Islamic dietary laws and practices and can be sold in all Islamic religion countries.

IFS Broker is the standard for auditing the service compliance of brokers, sales representatives, traders and importers of food, household and personal care products or packaging materials.

Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil is a non-governmental, multi-stakeholder organization founded in 2004 with the aim of minimizing the environmental and social impact of palm oil cultivation by introducing sustainability standards that include multiple social, economic and environmental parameters.

In Hebrew, “kosher” means lawful or proper and indicates that food has been produced in compliance with the dietary rules in the Bible.

Halal attests that ingredients, products and processes comply with Italian and international laws that absorb Islamic ethical and sanitary rules. This certification is a guarantee for Muslim consumers worldwide and allows products to be exported more easily to specific markets.

*We also use non-KAT-certified eggs
KAT is a German quality scheme for egg traceability whose primary objective is the traceability and guarantee of origin at any given time.
the Recycling Guide.